APA Style

Demarest, Bruce A.. (1991). Devotion, Doctrine and Duty in Dietrich Bonhoeffer (BibliothecaSacra: Oct-Dec 1988/no.580/vol.145/hal.). Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary.

Chicago Style

Demarest, Bruce A.. Devotion, Doctrine and Duty in Dietrich Bonhoeffer. BibliothecaSacra: Oct-Dec 1988/no.580/vol.145/hal. Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1991. Journal.

MLA Style

Demarest, Bruce A.. Devotion, Doctrine and Duty in Dietrich Bonhoeffer. BibliothecaSacra: Oct-Dec 1988/no.580/vol.145/hal. Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1991. Journal.

Turabian Style

Demarest, Bruce A.. Devotion, Doctrine and Duty in Dietrich Bonhoeffer. BibliothecaSacra: Oct-Dec 1988/no.580/vol.145/hal. Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1991. Journal.