APA Style

Gangel, Kenneth O.. (1984). Place of the Small Church in Today's World, The (Bibliotheca Sacra : January-March1984/no.561/vol.1). Swiss Avenue, Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary.

Chicago Style

Gangel, Kenneth O.. Place of the Small Church in Today's World, The. Bibliotheca Sacra : January-March1984/no.561/vol.1 Swiss Avenue, Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1984. Journal.

MLA Style

Gangel, Kenneth O.. Place of the Small Church in Today's World, The. Bibliotheca Sacra : January-March1984/no.561/vol.1 Swiss Avenue, Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1984. Journal.

Turabian Style

Gangel, Kenneth O.. Place of the Small Church in Today's World, The. Bibliotheca Sacra : January-March1984/no.561/vol.1 Swiss Avenue, Dallas: Dallas Theological Seminary, 1984. Journal.