APA Style

Fisher, Don L.. (1989). Work of Jerome S. Bruner and its Implications for Christian Education, the (Journal of Christian Education: Spring 1989/no.3/v). Illinois.: Paternoster Press.

Chicago Style

Fisher, Don L.. Work of Jerome S. Bruner and its Implications for Christian Education, the. Journal of Christian Education: Spring 1989/no.3/v Illinois.: Paternoster Press, 1989. Journal.

MLA Style

Fisher, Don L.. Work of Jerome S. Bruner and its Implications for Christian Education, the. Journal of Christian Education: Spring 1989/no.3/v Illinois.: Paternoster Press, 1989. Journal.

Turabian Style

Fisher, Don L.. Work of Jerome S. Bruner and its Implications for Christian Education, the. Journal of Christian Education: Spring 1989/no.3/v Illinois.: Paternoster Press, 1989. Journal.