APA Style

Gangel, Kenneth O.. (1987). Thinking Like A Christian: An Evangelical Analysis of Rationality (Journal of Christian Education: Autumn 1987/no.1/v). Illinois.: Paternoster Press.

Chicago Style

Gangel, Kenneth O.. Thinking Like A Christian: An Evangelical Analysis of Rationality. Journal of Christian Education: Autumn 1987/no.1/v Illinois.: Paternoster Press, 1987. Journal.

MLA Style

Gangel, Kenneth O.. Thinking Like A Christian: An Evangelical Analysis of Rationality. Journal of Christian Education: Autumn 1987/no.1/v Illinois.: Paternoster Press, 1987. Journal.

Turabian Style

Gangel, Kenneth O.. Thinking Like A Christian: An Evangelical Analysis of Rationality. Journal of Christian Education: Autumn 1987/no.1/v Illinois.: Paternoster Press, 1987. Journal.