APA Style

Wells, David F.. (1974). The Stout and Persisten Theology of Charles Hodge (Christianity Today:August.1974/Vol.XVIII/no.23/hal). Wheaton, Illinois: Christianity Today.

Chicago Style

Wells, David F.. The Stout and Persisten Theology of Charles Hodge. Christianity Today:August.1974/Vol.XVIII/no.23/hal Wheaton, Illinois: Christianity Today, 1974. Magazine.

MLA Style

Wells, David F.. The Stout and Persisten Theology of Charles Hodge. Christianity Today:August.1974/Vol.XVIII/no.23/hal Wheaton, Illinois: Christianity Today, 1974. Magazine.

Turabian Style

Wells, David F.. The Stout and Persisten Theology of Charles Hodge. Christianity Today:August.1974/Vol.XVIII/no.23/hal Wheaton, Illinois: Christianity Today, 1974. Magazine.