APA Style

Crabb, Iawrence J.. (). Significat Books of 1973: Counseling and Psychology of Religion (Christianity Today: Mar. 1974/Vol XVIII/No 11/Hal). : .

Chicago Style

Crabb, Iawrence J.. Significat Books of 1973: Counseling and Psychology of Religion. Christianity Today: Mar. 1974/Vol XVIII/No 11/Hal : , . Magazine.

MLA Style

Crabb, Iawrence J.. Significat Books of 1973: Counseling and Psychology of Religion. Christianity Today: Mar. 1974/Vol XVIII/No 11/Hal : , . Magazine.

Turabian Style

Crabb, Iawrence J.. Significat Books of 1973: Counseling and Psychology of Religion. Christianity Today: Mar. 1974/Vol XVIII/No 11/Hal : , . Magazine.